Your touch brings forth the gushing waterfall of my ecstasy
Your voice sends my mind reeling through the bliss of
To be taken and pushed, pulled and thrown away. Held down,
tied up, flying free in the dark space of nirvana.
To be filled to the fullness of perfection and then filled
until perfection is surpassed.
You allow me to drink the sweet ambrosia of Your essence
until there are no boundaries
no You, no me, no beginning, no end. we are all and we are
We surpass the darkness, making it our home, reveling in the
velvet softness of the shadows
It’s comforting, encompassing, this aphotic place where touch
is all we have to define ourselves
where our souls swim effortlessly in our journey of
discovery, where we touch the universe and are lost in joy
The Cimmerian darkness explodes around us as we release our rapture
in laughter and tears.
The radiant sun of Your smile pushing back the blanket of
the shadows where we have loved.
Your arms enfolding me as we float blissfully back to earth,
to ourselves, separate entities once again, we kiss.
© Dawn C. Davis 2012
Dedicated with love and devotion to my Sir.