Suddenly out of step, out of tune.
Time and distance adding to the space of emptiness.
Lost and confused, adrift in pain and loneliness without the beat of his heart.
The rhythm and syncopation of our joy off-kilter with missed beats.
Trying, needing to find the rhythm once again.
Longing for the touch of his hand, his warm lips kissing my tears away.
Laying my hand upon his heart, aligning us, our energies into one.
To be held, to share the kiss of yearning that evaporates the expanse between us.
To jump the chasm, crashing into each other’s arms as we find the notes once again,
Falling into the sublime rhythm of our beautiful song.
Joy erupts, comfort consumes, the melody and the rhythm now in tune.
© Dawn C. Davis ~ 2012
...the healing of intention and care