Romantic Stories of Submission and Sensuality
Edited by Shanna Germain
Cleis Press
Shanna Germain has brought together a wonderful collection of erotic stories that span the senses in the most delightful ways. I would most heartily recommend this book to friends. A few of the stories include...
Reclaiming Spring by Sommer Marsden
A sweet story of a couple coming back to themselves.
Being His Bitch by Janine Ashbless
I read this story the first time during my lunch hour at work. It was so provocative and erotic for me that I really truly wished I was not at work at the time. The best part came when I read it to my partner later in bed. It led to a very enjoyable evening that I would love to repeat. A stirring read for sure. I will certainly be looking for more writings by Janine.
Under the Clock by Justine Elyot
Very provocative story of Dominance and submission and can be summed up with these lines from the story..."How long would you have waited?"..."Until you came." Such a worthwhile read.
Marcelle by Alana Noel Voth
A darkly complex story that kept me guessing until the very end...and I still want more. I want to know where these characters went from here. Always a good sign.
Whippoorwill by Teresa Noelle Roberts
A story that I could relate to, having been there any number of times myself. It can be summed up with this delightful quote from the story...
"...He pushed me fast to that place where pleasure and pain blurred, a place where I couldn't think of anything except sensation--of the fire building as his hand blasted into my ass over and over again....If he stopped, I'd strangle him."
Slave Sister by Vida Bailey
A sweet poignant story that shows the beautiful side of poly and kinky. I want to know what happens next.
A Beautiful Corpse by Craig Sorensen
A beautifully touching story about an aged couple who's thirst for life brought them full circle into their golden years but their passion for life and each other still brings about a glorious fuck. I can honestly say that I want to be like them.
Eine Klein Spanking by Clarice Clique
Can really be summed up by a quote by Simone de Beauvoir that is used in the story; "In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man; either, a human being without feeling fear, restraint, or obligation." It's the same for a submissive becoming dominant.
Defining the Terms by Sharazade
A lesson in word meanings and teaching a wordy slut what she really needs.
Devil's Night by Veronica Wilde
Everyone has to start somewhere. A delightful story about learning the ropes.
Thank you for the nice review Dawn.